Alamat Pengadilan
Alamat : Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Poros, Meral, Karimun-Kepulauan Riau, 29664.
Kontak: Telepon (0777) 7366094 Fax. (0777) 7366093.
Jam Layanan : Senin-Kamis Pukul 08.00-16.30 WIB, Jumat Pukul 07.30-16.30 WIB. Istirahat 12.00-13.00 WIB
Website :
Kontak: Telepon (0777) 7366094 Fax. (0777) 7366093.
Jam Layanan : Senin-Kamis Pukul 08.00-16.30 WIB, Jumat Pukul 07.30-16.30 WIB. Istirahat 12.00-13.00 WIB
Website :
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Kepaniteraan/Bantuan Panggilan),
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Kesekretariatan/Informasi).